Learn together, explore together and experience London's unique seasons.


Learn together, explore together and experience London's unique seasons.

Study with us in London, Ontario (pop. 495,000), known for its natural beauty, safety, lively culture, and close proximity to beaches, hiking trails and major cities (Toronto, New York, Niagara Falls). Live in comfortable onsite dorms or offsite rental units close to the University. Learn English and explore Canadian customs with your peers through classroom work, planned trips and extracurricular activities.

Learn together in a positive environment.

Experience a challenging and exciting academic culture. Achieve your academic and personal goals with support from our staff and instructors. With a mix of university professors and professional ESL instructors leading your classes, you will get to experience a well-rounded university education at WELC.

Explore Ontario during trips and activities.

See Niagara Falls, dress up for a Halloween Party, go winter tubing at Boler Mountain or visit a sugar shack to see how maple syrup is made. Learn about all aspects of Ontario’s culture while having fun and strengthening your English skills.

Experience London's unique seasons.

London is beautiful year-round, ranging in temperature from 35°C in the summer to -25°C in the winter. Visit the beach during the summer, see the leaves change in the fall, go tubing in the winter and visit a sugar shack in the spring.